40 Years Experience You Can Depend On

Comprehensive appraisals and fair market valuations of FCC licensed broadcast radio and television stations, towers, and related telecommunication business assets.

Forensic economic and financial research, and expert testimony, regarding business interruption, lost profits, ATSC 3.0, and FCC regulatory matters.

Call:  206-201-3822

Hoffman Schutz Media Capital

Television Station Appraisal

Radio Station Appraisal

40 Years Experience You Can Depend On

40 Years Experience You Can Depend On

Comprehensive appraisals and fair market valuations of broadcast radio and television stations, towers, and related telecommunication businesses.

Forensic economic and financial research, and expert testimony, regarding business interruption, lost profits, ATSC 3.0, and regulatory matters.

Call:  206-201-3822

Radio and Television Station, Tower, Valuation, Appraisal, and Expert Testimony

HSMC clients are banks, private equity sources, and owners, who are involved with the broadcast radio, television, and tower industries.  The firm also provides specialized economic and market studies for use in regulatory proceedings, litigation support, and strategic planning. It is also qualified to serve as a trustee, or receiver, of FCC licensed radio or TV stations.

We are one of the nation’s oldest radio and TV station appraisal firms. David Schutz, personally oversees every project. In the past 35 years, he has conducted appraisals and specialized research projects involving over 4,000 broadcast stations. He has been recognized as an “expert” before the U.S. Congress, and numerous Federal and State courts.
